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What Are “Aggravated” Drug Crimes in Oklahoma?

What Are Aggravated Drug Crimes in Oklahoma?

If you have been charged with a drug crime in Oklahoma, you need to understand the charges against you. This could be complicated depending on what crimes you have been charged with, because the state’s drug crime laws are not written in plain language. One word that criminal defendants may puzzle at is the term “aggravated” drug crime. Oklahoma drug crime law has tiered sentences and fines as crimes become more “serious” in the eyes of the law. A first offense for marijuana possession is a misdemeanor. In contrast, a first offense for possession of cocaine is a felony. Second and...

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Drug Distribution and Trafficking: More Serious than Possession

Drug Distribution and Trafficking: More Serious than Possession

In Oklahoma, a conviction of drug distribution, trafficking, or manufacturing is much more serious than possession of drugs because of the harsher sentences imposed. As discussed in a previous blog, possession of many common drugs carries a 5-year sentence for a first offense with a fine of $5,000. Subsequent convictions lead to longer sentences and larger fines, up to 15 years in prison and $10,000. 63 O.S. 2-402(B)(1). In contrast, distribution of Schedule I or II narcotics is a felony and carries sentences ranging from 5 years to life in prison and a $100,000 fine. These penalties also apply to anyone...

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